Broody hen getting attacked by rooster

Did he ever get over it with her? I don't mind keeping them separated for a while, but I don't think permanant separation is fair for her. I don't want her to be lonely.
umm I dont know I got rid of him as soon as he hurt the babies My roo i have now loves the babies he keeps them warm gets them treats he is a good man What is your Levi??
Americauna....prob a mix who knows what all he has in him. Is there a trick to getting a gentleman? Or is it just numbers and pick the best one?
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Wish there was a trick Its born into him to be a gental loving caring man
I wouldnt get rid of him just yet Maybe just maybe her being broody is freaking him out But in my experinence the broody always kicks everyones butts around. No one messes with Mama I would just seperate then let her raise her babies and she what happens. She will have her babies to keep her company Then maybe after she raises them for month i would try to put them back together Good luck
I must say, in your position I'd find a way to keep him separate from the mama and chicks for a few months, if this is at all possible, and keep him. A roo who is good in all aspects can indeed be hard to find -- and frankly, by the time you are sure, he is a little old for frying....

I have an old coop that doesn't have a run and is a bit small for more than 3 or 4. I'd probably put him in there with one or two of my older hens, and let them run loose during the day. It's just a wired off corner of a lean-to, about 4x6. It sure does come in handy now and then.
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