so I am very worried about my greedy hen named Reagan she is a black australorp and she's been broody for about 2 weeks but the first week she sat on unfertalized eggs then I got her her fertilized eggs and seperated her into the garage in what I thought was a big enough it is 1' 4"X 4' 4" is that big enough? Anyway she hasn't gotten up in 4 days+ or I don't think she has their are no broody poops but I haven't checked her nest too well. I have been gone for 4 days on vacation and when I got back her chick water was only half down and I can't tell if she has touched her food. I'm starting to get worried about her. I don't know if she drank the water or if it was just evaporation. Can anyone tell me how to encourage her to eat and drink without pushing her off her nest I don't want to accidentally break her because I have before by doing that.