Broody Hen HELP!!!

I'm not an old hand but this is the third broody (fourth time hatching) and I love it... I was nervous the first time too...Have a BA that I worried and clucked over...I darn near killed the chicks due to my obsessiveness, I have a rule now.. I leave momma alone to do the job these gals have been doing for thousands of years without us..

On Edit:
I make sure she is secure and has access to food and water, fresh grass and a dust bath but that's all I do
Ok...then I think we are set up pretty good! have her in a broody area with food and water close and she has been taking a dust bath so I am glad she is moving and taking a break
Ok...then I think we are set up pretty good! have her in a broody area with food and water close and she has been taking a dust bath so I am glad she is moving and taking a break

You are set up great ... I love having broodys

Although I did pull out the incubator and plugged it in to see if it still held temps ok..I mean sheesh, its been 3 months since I last used it (turkeys, geese and chickens)... Hubby is worried and keeps checking for eggs in it
You are set up great ... I love having broodys

Although I did pull out the incubator and plugged it in to see if it still held temps ok..I mean sheesh, its been 3 months since I last used it (turkeys, geese and chickens)... Hubby is worried and keeps checking for eggs in it
LOL...I have my bator set up for "back-up"....just in case my broody decides to take a know
And well,,,since it IS up and running....I looked into getting some eggs
Afterall, shouldn't I put that electricity to good use???????

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