Broody hen left her eggs(UPDATE)


In the Brooder
7 Years
Sep 29, 2012
Hi!! My barred rock hen went broody OCT 5th so we moved her to a little brooder coop so she could be alone, on week 1 we candled them they were all fertile , and had good air cells and veins, one we saw a heart beat!!!!
Then on OCT 25 (day21) she hatched 4 little chicks then the next day (OCT26(day 22)
She totally forgot about the rest of the eggs and stopped sitting on them for an hour ( and it's like 55 degrees out so we brought the 6 eggs in the house In my room on top of a heating pad, with a heat lamp, and a piece of damp tissue.
We have a thermometer keeping it at 99-101 and now it's day23 and they're not hatching yet!!!
Please help!!!

Here's a picture with mama hen and her 4 chicks
You can try candling them to see if there is any movement, and if you see nothing then you can move on to the float test. Take the egg if it is unpipped and place it gently in still, warm water. Let the water settle from the egg being put in. Its normal for the egg to drift for a few seconds. Once it becomes still, watch for movement. If there is any life inside of the egg, the tiniest of movements will cause the water to ripple and the egg to jiggle.
Here's a picture of an egg I just candled (day23)
This is the big side of the egg, just to make sure is that the good air cell???
There is a very high chance that they quit and are no longer alive, but its not impossible that they are late. WE cannot tell you if they are alive. You have to check for yourself. Have you candled or float tested them? If there any movement or cheeping?
There is a very high chance that they quit and are no longer alive, but its not impossible that they are late. WE cannot tell you if they are alive. You have to check for yourself. Have you candled or float tested them? If there any movement or cheeping?

Ok thanks for your help!!
I guess I'll just have to wait and see
I tried candling them but all I see is a air cell and a lot of darkness. And will a float test mess up the chicks if their alive??
And no movement or chirping yet=(

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