Broody rooster


In the Brooder
May 18, 2020
I have a buff orpington hen that has been Broody now for a month and a half and is getting really testy how do I get her out of this.
I have a buff orpington hen that has been Broody now for a month and a half and is getting really testy how do I get her out of this.
Put her in a tiny wire crate (aka broody jail) with no bedding. Leave her in for a while. It she lays any eggs remove them immediately.
She should have run through her broody hormones by now. It doesn't bode well for an easy fix since the longer a broody goes before you attempt to break her, the longer it takes to get her back to normal.

The broody cage is the only tested and true method of breaking a broody. Dunking in cold water, ice packs in the nest under the hen, ostracizing her from the nest but not confining her all do not work.

In order to break a broody, you must deprive her hormones from being fed. To do this you need to confine her to a cage with an open mesh floor so air can cool her underparts, lowering her temperature over two or three days. If you let her run free, she will find an alternative to the warm nest and all your efforts will be futile.

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