Broody Hen Thread!

My broody has been laying on eggs for awhile bout a week and a half I'm aware of and probably when I was on vacation.
Here's one of her eggs I candled. Some of the eggs that were all black ended up being rotten but this one doesnt smell like the others. Is this a chick? If so how old
I am not the best at candling eggs, but I can see that you've got some air cell and some nice dark solid and veins are not really to me it looks to be around 15plus if all is well it could hatch soon.

Here is a good site to compare candling stages. I don't have a tactical bright flash light (just a bright LED one) so what I see is never as good as those photos...hence my deficiency at being a good candler.
(I keep trying to remember to pick up a better flashlight)

Good luck,
Lady of McCamley
My hen has been sitting on eggs for about 24 days. Not sure if her eggs are even fertile. My question is, will she continue to sit on these infertile eggs or will she realize after awhile that they won't hatch?
At some point, if they never hatch, she will just abandon them, especially if they rot. However, some birds still want to brood and are frustrated nothing hatched.

Have you tried candling to see if there is anything going on? At day 24, it doesn't look too good if you don't get something very soon (like by day 25).

Lady of McCamley
Hhhmmm... Let's see, my white silkie eggs are due this Monday, and my Rhode Island Red has not gone broody yet due to all the rain we have been having. She's doing the little clucking thing now (broody cluck). Not the one where they call the chicks but the one where they do it if they are broody. You know what I mean?
Hhhmmm... Let's see, my white silkie eggs are due this Monday, and my Rhode Island Red has not gone broody yet due to all the rain we have been having. She's doing the little clucking thing now (broody cluck). Not the one where they call the chicks but the one where they do it if they are broody. You know what I mean?

yep we have 4 planning to brood but just haven't sat yet they got that cluck to and are the loudest growlers we've ever seen and they are puffing up more often to but we can't we don't want to take the chance of hatching RIR roos
yep we have 4 planning to brood but just haven't sat yet they got that cluck to and are the loudest growlers we've ever seen and they are puffing up more often to but we can't we don't want to take the chance of hatching RIR roos :(

YAY! She finally decided this morning! I will give her the eggs tonight. They are due Tuesday.
Our silkie hens have hatched out lots of chicks. Silkies and EE and wyandottes. They don't care lol. Best incubators I've got.
Need help. I have two broody hens. one already had experience, the other one 1st time. The problem is both of them lay eggs on thr same place at the corner of my coop. I tried to separeted them, but they still want the same place! The experienced broody hens so tempered and always won. The 1st time will wait until the experienced hens move away. I also put two storey eggs cage but they dont go to the top. I put next to the other, but they collect them together and sits together.

So i decided to make a new coop and put the first time broody hen in it. She sits on the eggs but she dont want to eat or drink. Im so worried!! this is 1st day of moving. If she still dont eat tomorrow, what should i do? Please..

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