Broody hen with raspy breathing


In the Brooder
10 Years
Jun 29, 2009
I have a broody bantam hen about a year and a half old. She had been fighting other broody hens over a nest box. And since I had some eggs I needed hatched I decided to take one of the hens and let her set elsewhere. This particular hen has raspy sounding breathing. But seems to be in good health otherwise. No discharge, no puffiness, bright eyes, glossy feathers and good weight. I really can't assess her food consumption since she is broody but she has been active when she comes off the nest.
Could this be something she inhaled (but no neck stretching or other signs of distress) or could she simply be hoarse from arguing over the former nest? She seems quite content to be in a box in the back hall.
I just had a hen die from this. Her only symptom was raspy breathing! She looked totally healthy otherwise. I'm waiting on a culture to come back to find out what it was.
Please let us know what you find out. My little girl is alert. She looks good even to the point of looking great for a broody hen. I sure hope she doesn't have something contagious.
I lost one a year or so ago to what appears to have been some poison. Probably some type of algae poision as all else is kept locked up so the chickens can't get to it.

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