Broody Hen?

As I said she was laying yesterday so I don't want to put her in the crate yet plus the others haven't laid yet so I can't lock the coop, so at the moment I'm a bit betwixt.
I'd wait until you're sure she's actually broody before crating.
Some birds like to 'lounge' in the nests, before and after laying...especially if they are going into or out of lay.

These are the signs I go by....
Is she on nest most the day and all night?
When you pull her out of nest and put her on the ground, does she flatten right back out into a fluffy screeching pancake?
Does she walk around making a low cluckcluckcluckcluckcluck(ticking bomb) sound on her way back to the nest?
....I've had enough broodies that I know that clucking before they start sitting, but I still wait until I'm sure.
Yes if I let her, also she is plucking her underbelly feathers too.
I cleaned the poop boards earlier and she made a beeline for the nest, I stopped her and she even tried to sidestep me lol.
Nope no nest...just feed and water and a chunk of 2x4 to get feet off mesh.
Chunk of 2x4 for a 'roost' was added to crate floor after pic was taken.

So, I broke one of the broodys but the second is determined. Let her out every morning, she takes care of business and then heads right back to the nest. UGH. She may end up living forever in this dog crate. Momma hen is laying again. She is back to roosting with the rest of the girls. Her babies are doing good.
I don't let them out of the crate for about 3 days, I keep them in there with just food, water and a roost bar.
Funny I let mine out this morning after 3 days locked up, I cleaned out the coop and locked it up just to make sure, but she never headed for it, I think she was glad to be out and about with the others.
The others had laid their eggs so non of them would want to go in anyways, I'll open it up later nearer bed time lol.

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