broody hen

How long do you need to do the ice cube trick to get them to break the broodiness? Does the hen, when using the ice cube trick, go back to laying eggs again fairly quickly?

I have never stressed over broodiness. I do not rely on hens for income, so it's not an issue. I usually just throw them out of the nest and close the coop door. They have no business in the coop once the laying day is over, so I put them outside. I have culled them, though, for the habit. That is something else you can try.

As for the ice cube trick, I've never tried it. This is one of those times where I've HEARD of it. It's something filed away in my brain as a possible solution, that's all.
I only suggest it based on that. An alterntive, if you will, to the usual medieval methods that are normally recommended to break up broodiness.

Sometimes, after hearing of a thing, we have to give it a "whirl" and see what happens. I'm pretty sure you'll know when it's enough. Do it and let us know how it works.​
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Does anyone know how long these bouts of broodyness last? Last time I was here April 28, I too asked about a broody hen. Two days later she was done. Yesterday she started again. Everyday I take her out and make her eat, drink and participate with the family fun. I even let her scratch in my favorite flower garden if it gets her out. It might not last forever but she’s out for a while. She's my best egg layer so she's soiled.
I used to have a hen that never left the nest. She was constantly broody. Somethin' way back in the genes, I guess...
It isnt the same for every bird. One size does NOT fit all. But as far as I know, it averages something like a couple of weeks - to a month.

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