Broody Hen


Mar 21, 2015
Pueblo, Colorado
Does anyone in Pueblo, Colorado have a hen that is too broody and that they do not want. I want a broody hen. I'd be thankful to whoever would be willing to give one to me. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

You may want to check out the Colorado thread.
This is the New Members introduction thread, which is why people keep welcoming you. If you post on your state thread at "where am I, where are you." you can ask about a broody hen. I don't know why someone would want to give theirs up.
Here are two of my young broody hens I bought in April, now they are going again.

A Game Hen Cross. Second time in the same nest.
Sitting on mix 12 eggs on 6/6/15 and will hatch on 6/26/15.

A Mille Fleur D'uccle Hen. Second time.
Sitting on 10 purebred eggs today 6/11/15 and will hatch on 7/2/15.

Have fun breeding your favorite breed roosters and hens.
Hopefully some will turn out broody and some chicks of 2015.
Sacramento, CA is really dam hot for broody hens.

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