Broody made a mess of the nest on day 18


Jul 19, 2021
Oil Springs, ON
Sprinks has made it to the homestretch of hatching! She has done a great job keeping the nest clean, getting off to eat/drink, etc. but this morning she made a mess. Poop everywhere. It’s just normal broody poop, but it’s on all the eggs. It’s like she got up to poo and it just happened and then she lied in it and smashed it into all the eggs. Do I clean the eggs? Can I wipe the mess off with a dry paper towel? Do I risk anything leaving it because it’s technically time to “lockdown”?

Our only other broody who has hatched was immaculately clean and didn’t even have the crazy big broody poop, so this is semi-new to us. I appreciate any input 🤗
I would probably lift the hen out, wipe the eggs to remove anything you easily can, and replace all the dirty nest material. Then let the hen put herself back on whenever she wants to.

Hopefully the hen will go have a meal, poop again, and maybe clean her feathers a bit while you're working, but of course she might not do any of those.
I would probably lift the hen out, wipe the eggs to remove anything you easily can, and replace all the dirty nest material. Then let the hen put herself back on whenever she wants to.

Hopefully the hen will go have a meal, poop again, and maybe clean her feathers a bit while you're working, but of course she might not do any of those.
we did all of the above, but was hard to get the poop off the eggs. I was also pretty worried about manhandling them and risking cracking them at this point🙈

Sprinks has feathered feet, so I used a wet towelette to help her there and then a quick brush. she went the bathroom off nest and did a bit of scratching then got back on. just gonna cross my fingers until Wednesday.
They will probably be fine. I had an egg break, and glue eggs to her body years ago. It was a gooey stick smelly mess. I pulled off the stuck on egg and gently washed the worst off with a damp rag, clean bedding in the nest, put the eggs back, and they hatched just fine.
They will probably be fine. I had an egg break, and glue eggs to her body years ago. It was a gooey stick smelly mess. I pulled off the stuck on egg and gently washed the worst off with a damp rag, clean bedding in the nest, put the eggs back, and they hatched just fine.
that’s what I like to hear, thanks! they should start hatching by Wednesday so hopefully all will be well 🤗
3 chicks hatched a day early, so off to a good start and hoping for a good outcome for the remaining 8!

the black one on the left is Pete (Svarthona/Ameraucana) x an Olive Egger (Maran based I believe), the all black is Pete x Wednesday Adamms (Fibro EE) and the light chick on it’s own is Pete x Pretty Girl (EE). Sprinks is doing well with motherhood so far and is sitting diligently on the rest of the nest.

9 little babes out of her 11! she has gotten off the last 2 eggs, so I candled them and they seem to have quit somewhere along the line. I only candled around day 9 for fertility and removed 1 then, so they could of stopped developing at any point since then.

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