Broody Rhode Island red


5 Years
Jun 5, 2014
Started sitting today! I went out to collect chicken rent and a few days ago my littlest wyandotte started laying. So there was a teeny wyandotte egg and a huge round cuckoo maran egg. They were both extremely warm witch I thought was very strange. As I picked one up out of the nest, Rosey, my Rhode Island red, started clicking at me and fluffing and flapping. I put the egg back and she proceeded to scoot them under her and fluf out and sit on them. I squated next to her for like 10 minutes to see if she was just laying but she kept adjusting the eggs under her and beig quiet. She's the loudest when she's about to lay. I think she's actualy screaming MOVE in chicken language. So I'm positive she's broody at least I hope so and I'm crossing my finger!!!! I will keep updated and when I get a free rabbit hutch or something like it will be moving her and her warm lil eggs somewhere safe from the others. If anyone near MD has a coop or rabbit cage for free or that I could borrow please pm me!
Will chicks hatched this late in the year do OK? I just got a few new hens who were kept with Roos, so I'm hoping their eggs will be fertile and someone might sit on them. But I was worried it's too cold. Good luck with Rosie.
She stopped sitting ): eggs were cold when I put them in for the night. Well who wants to sell me an incubator? Lol

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