Broody Silkie turned adoptive mother!

Sorry about that I didn't mean to send that just yet... like I was saying attempting to say ... my silkie has gone broody once except she was shoved off her eggs (or something )and her eggs never hatched but our neighbor boy gave us two chicks that she raised.... now she is going broody again and I just separated her and r rooster ( is that ok?) and got some eggs from the neighbor boy .... so I guess we’ll see if she’ll sit on them
They go broody allot key get them to take a brake every now then
I do.. I will take her down everyday and she takes that opportunity to eat, drink, and scratch around..
But now that she is sitting on the chicks.. she will not get up.. she did not eat or drink all day! And as I know of.. she did not yesterday either... I put her down yesterday but she was just so mad that she clucked around and didn’t eat or drink and then I put her with the babies.. so tomorrow I will put them in the grass part of the coop and see what she does.. it was so cold today and I didn’t want to chance her deciding she doesn’t want the chicks.. maybe tomorrow she will go into mama mode :fl
The tiniest little one.. Nina.. doesn’t look like it’s doing too well.. I cleaned pasty butt.. it doesn’t want to eat much at all or drink.. I was dripping water on the side of it’s beak but it didn’t like that too much. All it does is go under mama..
A LOT of the chicks at TSC had pasty butt! But I picked the ones that did not..
Maybe instead of dripping water into Nina's beak, gently dip the tip of her beak into the water. Mine caught on and continued to drink once I had dipped their beaks in once or twice when I first got them.

Best of luck! :hugs

Also, did you take the non-fertile eggs she was brooding on out from under her? Maybe she's waiting for the others to hatch, and thats why she's not getting up.
Maybe instead of dripping water into Nina's beak, gently dip the tip of her beak into the water. Mine caught on and continued to drink once I had dipped their beaks in once or twice when I first got them.

Best of luck! :hugs

Also, did you take the non-fertile eggs she was brooding on out from under her? Maybe she's waiting for the others to hatch, and thats why she's not getting up.
I did do the dipping also.. but she wasn’t too interested in that either.. and there are no eggs under her... thank you :)
How long does it take for a broody hen to go and sit on eggs... Because my hen doesn't want to sit on those eggs :(
I don’t know.. I am new at this.. someone should know though...
Maybe she isn’t broody enough yet.. give her a little more time at sitting.. :confused:

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