I am looking for information from those who allow hens to hatch and raise chicks during cold weather. I have one group that I call "the family"; rooster 2 hens and last two youngsters that I think are pullets. I removed two roos born to the family and they have bachelor quarters. Anyway, my broody will be hatching eggs within the next two weeks. Historically, she immediately comes out of the coop and moves them underneath it where she cares for them. I have straw underneath and am considering putting a small chicken coop within the yard that I can set up with a brinsea ecoglow 20 chick brooder that I used previously for chicks I bought. I can also just add the brooder, but figure it will be warmer and less likely to be disconnected by the adults in the small coop. I don't know if they will use it but this is an extra source of heat that I can provide if they choose to use it. My other thought is to just leave them be and let her do her job. Input of your experience would be appreciated. Thanks.