Hello everyone. I have a question. I have a little Cochin hen who has "gone Settin" as my DH says. She was sitting on about 21 eggs. too many for such a small girl. So anyway the eggs count under her is now down to 9. Ive been candling them, I've got some growth, some movement etc. So I'm just gonna let nature take it course. What happens after hey hatch? Does Momma and babies need to be separated from the rest of the flock which contains 3 roosters( all very docile) and the rest of the girls? Will she protect them? will the roosters or the other hens hurt them normally?
Needless to say this is my first attempt at this and I just want a definite answer as to what to expect.
Needless to say this is my first attempt at this and I just want a definite answer as to what to expect.