Brought day old chicks into house?


10 Years
Mar 30, 2009
Has anyone ever bought day old chicks and brought them
into the house until the heat subsided? If so, did you encounter
any problems with doing that? Like mites in the house? or
whatever??? I plan to put them outside soon as the heat breaks
a little, they are just about a week and a half old right now.
Getting little wings ;-) thanks! Charline
All of ours were started in the house. You shouldn't have to worry about parasites with day old chicks, but you can check them to be safe. We kept them inside for 3-6 weeks.
We kept our babies inside. They didn't cause any problem, except the house smelled a bit like a barn. Ours came from a hatchery and I didn't notice any bugs or anything on them.
We kept our day-olds in a brooder in the living room for 2 weeks. I kept it clean and it was fun watching their antics. The only problem was dust in the house from the shavings. I was glad to put them in the garage in a larger brooder then into their henhouse. Have fun!

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