Brown Egg Layer Assortment from Meyer

momma's chickens

11 Years
Mar 10, 2008
I ordered the brown egg layer assortment from Meyer today and I am excited. Has anybody else ordered these before and what breeds did you receive?
Hello!!! I ordered from Meyer- but not the assortment. I got some of their red sex linked Golden Buffs-which lay the jumbo brown eggs!!! And I alsoi got an Ameracauna/EE who is the most friendly little thing. I was really happy with Meyers chicks I cant wait to order form them again!!! Good luck!!!!!
I ordered the Rainbow Pullet Pack & got nine different breeds - amazing.
They give 19 breeds in their listing for brown egg layers, so I assume you will get a nice variety. If you are new to poultry, as I am, you will have a grand time trying to figure out which breeds you have. Between the great photos in the Meyer catalog and using, I was able to figure it all out ... After about 3 weeks
hey i ordered that assortment there 6 weeks old this week i got 36 of them. Im posting pics as i type look for my 6 weeks old babys pics will be posted in a bit still uploading pics lol
i also got the rainbow assortment and it was great. i got quite a mix and no losses or listless chicks. all thrived well and are beautiful.

if memory serves this is what i got:

white rocks
barred rocks
RIR's (i am pretty sure, or buckeyes, but leaning towards RIR)
brown leghorns

they are all just lovely and happy little girls...well, except a little cockerel we named 'Also'. i feel out of 25 to have one sexing mistake is great.

i would order again from them in a minute.
Myers rocks! I orderd from them in the spring and will order again... I ordered 28 got 29 and only lost one... and that was my fault. They are awesome and Charlotte in the order dept is great. I think next spring I'm gonna order a whole mix of stuff. Buy em', sell em' swap em' with your friends (as my Mom would say) Myers is the best.

Oh you will love your Meyer babies. They are an awesome hatchery. I lost one of 22 just not thriving.

Excellent customer service. The golden buffs are really beautiful. I have brown egg layers and very happy with my girls so far ...they are 11 weeks old.
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Awesome, to hear everybody is happy with their chicks from them. I will have to agree their customer service was fantastic, very helpful and knowledge. I also love their color catalog, think it is great. I am hoping for several different breeds and it will be fun to figure what breed each chick is.

Mamato3, I will go look for your pics.
oooh, how exciting! Let us know what you get - when you figure it out. I had to change my guesses about the Delightful Dozen several times before I decided on the current roster!

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