Bubbles in ducks poop. She seems lethargic and seems to be losing her appetite. Help please!


May 25, 2019
Spring Valley, Arizona
Hi, again everyone! I have 3 ducks that are almost 7 weeks old. They were doing so well and now I have one that seems to be losing her appetite and seems lethargic. The other 2 are just fine and acting normal!! Last night I found bubbles in her poop. I know it was her because it's right where she was laying down. I posted a picture. I have also noticed that she seems to "twitch". Here is a video of what I mean. (Sorry for the movement!)
I think she is the same one who was having the seizures. I have continued to give them the B Complex every day but for the last 2 days she hasn't seemed to want to eat it. Nothing had changed in their diet and I give them fresh water in their pool and waterer everyday. Any help would appreciated!!! Thank you to all that have helped me previously!!!


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They are outside. I am feeding them duck feed(picture uploaded).They get frozen veggies and some cucumbers and maybe apples cut up with the B Complex. No apple seeds were given. Sometimes I will give them a little romaine lettuce but other then that they only get what they can find. I also edited the post and added a like to a video. She seems to be twitching. Not sure how long she has been like this. Every now and then I think she could be having a "mini seizure". She will start making noise and then shake her head and run around a bit. I will try to get a video of her doing it if it happens again. Thank you for tagging the poop expert!!!


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Is a vet an option? If not, can you get a close up video? Regarding the poop, it's not normal, though I have no idea what can cause it to look like that.
I am at work right now but I will try to get a close up when I get home. Vet isn't really an option. We just had a big vet bill for our dog.
I am sorry. She wasn't making any noise. She has been drinking and sometimes will eat. Not sure what to do to help her.
I'd give her 24 hours of just feed and access to water..Swimming and see if she improves tomorrow. Do you have Foxtail growing wild in your area? Do they free range?
I am sorry. She wasn't making any noise. She has been drinking and sometimes will eat. Not sure what to do to help her.
Do you have a food or postal scale to weigh her on? If not, can you get one? Getting a baseline weight on them and then weighing every 1-3 days will help you treat her.
I am at work right now but I will try to get a close up when I get home. Vet isn't really an option. We just had a big vet bill for our dog.
I understand, they are expensive.
I'd give her 24 hours of just feed and access to water..Swimming and see if she improves tomorrow. Do you have Foxtail growing wild in your area? Do they free range?
Hi, yes we have foxtail. I HATE those darn things!!! They do not free range right now and no foxtail seem to be in their pen. Doesn't mean that she didn't get one. I have noticed that she seems to separate herself from the other 2. Would her poop look like that if she has a foxtail stuck? Thank you for your help!!! :love

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