Bubbles in ducks poop. She seems lethargic and seems to be losing her appetite. Help please!

I just read some info on fox tails boy I think if your duck had one in her throat she’d be in a lot of distress. But not saying it couldn’t be something else she may have picked up off the ground.
They are a horrible thing! I have had them get in my dogs feet and my sisters dog got them in her ears and throat! It was awful!!
Okay your giving her liquid b complex every day? 1 ml? How? And she isn’t eating but drinking have you noticed her having trouble swallowing? Let’s rule out an obstruction by feeling along the neck and observing how she swallows. What are your temps do they have water to cool off in and dunk their heads in? Will she eat a treat? Water melon is a big hit here and a good way to hydrate them.

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