Buckeye Breed Thread

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The box is a medium size flatrate box from the usps. The silver looking material is a double sided aluminum foil backed bubble wrap used for radiant insulation. I buy the insulation to use when building incubators cabinets, you can get it at Lowe's, HomeDepot, etc. The pink stuff is just plain bubble wrap from Wallyworld. I charge $15 for shipping, that includes actual postage and the cost of materials. I loose about $1 shipping cost on every box I ship, but I have very little egg breakage, infact, I dont remember having any broke since I started packing this way. If I have, someone I have sold to can please correct me.
Jenjscott, just wanted to give you an update on Wart; he's doing fine, integrated with the rest of the flock. Not only has he become a "boot bird" (stands so close he's practically on your feet), but he knows his name and comes when I call. Seriously. It's amazing what a couple of weeks in solitary confinement being hand fed will do for even the least friendly Cockerel.

Thanks again,
j.luetkemeyer :

Eggs received today!

I am just wondering if the bad luck with your hatching shipped eggs was in part some of the eggs I shipped to you. The above quote of eggs recieved is the last contact I have had concerning the eggs I shipped. These eggs should have been Christmas chicks for a hatch date. Anyways, let me know how that hatch went. My girls are laying pretty well right now, but I am haveing problems gathering before they freeze. I can ship you more eggs if you want, but with the freezing weather, it would be a big gamble.

Did you get another incubator, I know you had said you where using a little giant styrofoam incubator for hatching your eggs.​

I had 5 hatch but a few of them hatched small and didn't make it. My other incubator I'm sure had something to do with my previous poor hatches. I also had a couple of the eggs you sent me was thinner shelled which is to be expected in the winter time.
Ha, he was just a little wild, I left the bad boy at home! Glad he is settling in, I hope he does well for you.

Won't mention any names...but a certain Buckeye breeder at Little Rock asked me to handle one of her birds. You know like the judge would. She did not want him to hurt the judge. What about hurting me! Her birds are not that wild. She just does not pick each of them up every day and hug them. In a large flock you can't. Just too many birds and not enough time. I seldom ahdle my birds, though it would be nice to have a wild one the will not step on my toes!

Oh, did I ever say Congradulatiosn Jen on your win at Little Rock?

Nope, won't mention any names!
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