Buckeye Breed Thread

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The american buckeye club does have a site for understanding the SOP with pics and illistrations. http://americanbuckeyeclub.blogspot.com/p/understanding-sop.html It is free and open to the world to see.
I'm currently going through the details on that site and adding more information like the pics above. I have a significant amount to add to the site. My website also has a nice amount of information regarding the color aspect of the breed (at least my perspective of color) supplied with many pictures. Both groups have a bunch of information and probably worthwhile to visit, just be warned that the ABC is a rowdy bunch. But it is a good bunch. I'm sure the same can be said of the ABPC. We do have one thing in common......to make the best Buckeye possible for every need.....be it entertainment, exhibition, or utility.......with any luck we'll have it all in the same bird! I always say, "Take what you want and throw the rest away"!
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It would be wonderful to collect images like that on the Buckeye club website, if that's possible for the various parties to arrange. I appreciate the wonder of the SOP and its role as the final say, but expecting people to breed and select the right birds from the SOP alone (especially without real life chicken experience with a poultry master) is like handing people a dictionary and expecting them to be able to write a Pullitzer Prize winning novel with only the information found inside.

well said! like your analogy. - am going out to see if I can find the bar of slate on my buckeyes tomorrow!
Hello Everyone,

I have 24 buckeyes in the incubator (half directly from Mr. Lay), and I'm overwhelmed with interest in this breed. Me and a few other members of my 4H club have rounded up enough interest to launch our own project, and I'm currently helping everyone get settled with good stock. The end result of this project is *hopefully* snagging a few new breeders for our state and club. We're working on organizing a meeting for our project members and I certainly don't have the knowledge needed to point them in the proper direction for breeding these birds. (I have a few years expirience with Ameraucanas, not very large scale though. Biggest acomplishment I've had the honor of recieving is having a costumer snag best of class with my offspring at Farmshow. Giant congrats to them) So I was wondering if anyone breeds near me? I would absolutely love to have someone with better expirience come in and lecture for a bit. If that isn't possible, I will still be extremely grateful with recieving a list of pointers.

Thanks, Susan
Hello Everyone,

I have 24 buckeyes in the incubator (half directly from Mr. Lay), and I'm overwhelmed with interest in this breed. Me and a few other members of my 4H club have rounded up enough interest to launch our own project, and I'm currently helping everyone get settled with good stock. The end result of this project is *hopefully* snagging a few new breeders for our state and club. We're working on organizing a meeting for our project members and I certainly don't have the knowledge needed to point them in the proper direction for breeding these birds. (I have a few years expirience with Ameraucanas, not very large scale though. Biggest acomplishment I've had the honor of recieving is having a costumer snag best of class with my offspring at Farmshow. Giant congrats to them) So I was wondering if anyone breeds near me? I would absolutely love to have someone with better expirience come in and lecture for a bit. If that isn't possible, I will still be extremely grateful with recieving a list of pointers.

Thanks, Susan
Thats great to hear Susan! It's definately a unique breed and a rewarding breed to raise. My daughter has done amazing in our 4-H program. A few pictures can be seen at www.shumakerfarmpoultry.com , southeat PA is a haul for me. There are a few good websites that are set up to help in the selection of your fowl, I would encourage you to visit them. Best of luck with the breed!!
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well said! like your analogy. - am going out to see if I can find the bar of slate on my buckeyes tomorrow!

One thing about the bar of slate in the undercolor in the back of the Buckeye. The SOP says the slate bar SHOULD be there & it is not a DQ if it is not present. A judge putting more emphasis into body type would not necessarily rule out a Buckeye for lacking a slate bar or not having it in a pronounced way. I like to see whether they look for it or not. There is no substitute for handling a bird and feeling the body underneath the feathers -- sometimes a lack of good body type can be discerned from a picture but not always. I try not to get too carried away about this or that single trait. To date, I have not seen a Buckeye that did not have some flaws -- but that is the fun of it, working toward a better Buckeye.
One thing about the bar of slate in the undercolor in the back of the Buckeye. The SOP says the slate bar SHOULD be there & it is not a DQ if it is not present. A judge putting more emphasis into body type would not necessarily rule out a Buckeye for lacking a slate bar or not having it in a pronounced way. I like to see whether they look for it or not. There is no substitute for handling a bird and feeling the body underneath the feathers -- sometimes a lack of good body type can be discerned from a picture but not always. I try not to get too carried away about this or that single trait. To date, I have not seen a Buckeye that did not have some flaws -- but that is the fun of it, working toward a better Buckeye.

They SHOULd also have toe nails. The fact is they should have correct size and color. Without the slate bar, they look orange. And if breeders don't have a slate bar, the offspring won't either. You can build your barn and paint it the proper color at the same time. The SOP isn't pick and choose what you can get right, it's all of the above. If a judge isn't following all of the SOP, then they need a different hobby or jo
They SHOULd also have toe nails. The fact is they should have correct size and color. Without the slate bar, they look orange. And if breeders don't have a slate bar, the offspring won't either. You can build your barn and paint it the proper color at the same time. The SOP isn't pick and choose what you can get right, it's all of the above. If a judge isn't following all of the SOP, then they need a different hobby or jo
LOL! Where's that in the SOP? Funny but poor analogy.

Quote: From MY limited experience, this is simply NOT true. I have had dark birds that virtually had no slate bar and too light a bird with a great slate bar in the back (I have some hens now who are too light, good type but have great slate bars.). Also, my first Buckeye male was too light, but he had a great slate bar in the back. There's more to it than this.
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I'm sure I can find a place in the SOP (somewhere in the introduction) that states that poultry should have toe nails! It's actually a DQ for Brahmas if they don't have a toe nail on their outer feathered toes....which tends to a genetic problem with the bantams.
I'm sure I can find a place in the SOP (somewhere in the introduction) that states that poultry should have toe nails! It's actually a DQ for Brahmas if they don't have a toe nail on their outer feathered toes....which tends to a genetic problem with the bantams.
I know there are deductions for missing toes and such but if you can have a missing toe and not be DQd, then a toe nail is no big deal.
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