Buckeye Breed Thread

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My first buckeyes are hatching right now. I got the eggs from the Dec. Swap and then started researching them. Where has this breed been hiding! I am excited so far 6 and 3 more pips.
Wish I had some to hatch, please post pix
I just realized that I hadn't seen anything come in from BYC in quite some time. Logged on and found 94 unread pages of threads. Ain't gonna be going through all those so am checking some of my subscribed threads.

Thought I'd let y'all know that I'm moving my Buckeye eggs to the hatching tray tonight. I'm gonna throw the EggLume on them real quick and toss any clear ones but am sure hoping it all looks good!

God Bless,
I set one more egg as well for a total of 6. Candled this AM and all but one dud are growing. Can't wait for the results. We should have Buckeyes on the 23rd!
It has been so painfully cold here that the birds are all getting grumpy. Need some warmth so they can go out and stretch, just the sunshine isn't enough. The cockerels and roos get a bit... testy, not tastey, when they can't strut their - well, perogative!
Time to go move yet more snow. FL sounds so good right now..........
Hello ovrezplz, welcome to my end of the world. We've got several on here I recognize from the quail research I've been doing. EVERMORE, great news on the Buckeyes, Great results from shipped eggs. Of course, they didn't have to go too far. I've got 4 d'uccles in by brooder along with my quail. The Buckeyes I'm hatching for a friend I candled and appear to have at least 55 developing and 4 buckeye bantams. I'm not so sure on my candling, so the ones I'm not sure of will stay in till the next candling to check again at day 18.

I am having a real hard time selecting my cockerels. I have eliminated it down to five. I have to choose two from among them. My very favorite is tending to be a bit aggressive, so I've got him on hold. But other than him, darn if I can choose. I have to weigh everyone again and check their coloring and compare each one individually to Chris's bird, using him as a standard. But its gonna have to warm up a little bit.
I am having a bit of a dilema over which ones to keep as well. Since I have never been to a show, it's hard to figure out exactly what to look for. Color is probably the easiest, especially since I have Buckeye nuts to compare them to. I wish we could all get together with our birds and somebody that is very educated about all the little things (Laura). I guess I need to start going to shows and asking lots of questions and taking notes.

Do you think it would be possible to get a group together and compare birds?
Thanks Laura and Chris for the info on the vaccinations. I am just doing some research and trying to figure out whats best. The kids really want to show, I just worry about them getting something at the show and then bringing it back home. I know I need to quarantine once I bring them home, guess I will just have to see what happens.
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