Buckeye Breed Thread

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Isn't it great? ALBC really has done some wonderful things to improve the flock quality of the buckeye, the birds thrown off of their line is impressive. I too appreciate the hard work of the ALBC and those who cared for the breed before I.
Great looking birds. Wish they were mine!!
Warning about cowboygourmet, if his Buckeyes turn out half as good as his Buff Orpingtons are, we are all in trouble! His granddaughter is a sweetheart as well. Took my daughter under her wings at Eldorado Poultry Show and showed her the ropes. Other than having quality birds, can't think of a bad thing to say about him!

OOOkay.. now that I have ground up 121 pages of posts absorbing way to much info and pics... I am proud to say I have eggs on the way from JamesA.*also known as an enabler* I cannot wait to add them to my flock. I have delawares also and these two breeds are going to replace all my other birds. Hopefully over the course of the next *fill in the appropriate amount of decades* of years I can learn how to pic out the best birds and maintain two awesome heritage breeds. *off topic my delaware 6 month old roos are as large as my 12 month old NH and BO roos*

I had started to go with the Buckeye but I found the Delaware and my brother and i went with those and i have loved them very much. But I also wanted the Buckeye so I waited till my wife bought herself something then used the ... well Iwant something too lol.... Anyhoo another soon to be Buckeye slave.
You will soon find it to be a labor of love, when you go out to check on them they'll run up and investigate instead of run out of the back of the pen. They are honestly more like family members with feathers than any chicken breed I have ever met.
The hatch is done, and 8 of the 10 made it...and then two died post-hatch
. Still, the surviving chicks are healthy and bouncy and beautiful and...well.....I've been a bad, bad person. A friend of mine wanted to expand her flock and I just would not shut up about the virtues of the Buckeye. I pointed out Buckeye Dave's website and sent her the link to this thread, and we're now going halves on a dozen hatching eggs.

I'm beginning to think Buckeyes are like potato chips. You cannot just have a few.
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