Buckeye Breed Thread

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Here's a pic of our hoop house, and the six week old buckeyes from Laura out and about!

We modeled the hoop house after the one that Laura has linked on her website. We're having such fun with these li'l guys!

Janet Hatch
Kingston, MO
My husband requested an addition to the new buckeye coop when he saw the dropping board I made for it.
Yes he is a Buckeye, born in Ohio, graduated from Ohio State University.


He is looking forward to many buckeye poops landing on this new board.
Been in VA this week and no time to write...saw all the floods in Arkansas. Jen and Jim are you'all doing ok? Is there anything your buckeye family can do for you?
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It's been quite awhile since I've posted anything but I've been following the thread as I can. Just wanted to say I have six new Baby Buckeyes. Thank you Roy! Oh, and btw, for Dave and the other fella, here's a happy belated Memorial Day from a 20-year retired Navy Vet.

I haven’t been on any of the poultry sites much lately. I’ve just been absolutely inundated with a variety of things.

Some of you know the wife left me right after Thanksgiving of 2008. Well, she came back in December of last year but then left again on April 17th this year. Then on May 3rd I lost power for two days when a 24” diameter tree fell across the road and took out the power lines. I had an incubator full of eggs that started to hatch about Midnight the 2nd. Plus I had a bunch of chicks in the brooder that were a week old and a bunch out in the pumphouse that were only two weeks old. It was only 55 degrees those two days so I was flat out scrambling trying to find a way to keep everything from dying. I lost a bunch of eggs but fortunately I only lost two chicks. The good news is that all the eggs I had just put in the incubator two days prior to the power outage did go ahead and hatch. I can’t remember now if they hatched on time or not though. That’s odd. I should’ve made a note on that. Anyways, they cooked for two days, then went two days without any power and stayed probably around 55-60 degrees, and then cooked again until they hatched. Thought you might like to know that.

Then a week later on the 10th the wife served me with divorce papers. Then on top of all that I went out to the pumphouse the night of the 11th to find that a rat had gotten into my brooder and slaughtered 15 chicks. He didn’t bother the older chicks on one side but he sure did a number on the younger chicks that were a week old. Two of those 15 were my only Mahogany Russian Orloff (MRO) chicks that I hatched from some eggs I got. I’ve got another batch of MRO eggs in the incubator that are hatching as I speak. Anyways, what the rat didn’t kill he chewed the toes or parts of toes off of. So I had several Ameraucana and Welsummer chicks with missing toes or parts of toes. Although for some reason they seem to all be dying off. I’ve lost a half dozen or more of them for no apparent reason. I just go out in the morning or evening and find one dead.

Then, since then, we’ve had nothing but rain so I never get to mow the grass. Two flat tires on the tractor kept me from mowing the one day we did get decent weather and I don’t know what else. It seems like there’s just no end to stuff to do.

Good news is that I'm heading out now to start mowing and better news is it appears the wife may be having a change of heart on the divorce. Cindy has agreed to see the couple that would like to meet with us for continued marital counseling, mentoring, and discipleship. As far as I know the actual divorce proceedings has not been “officially” stopped but there has definitely been a change in direction and apparently a change in her heart as well.

So that’s why I’ve pretty much been off the radar. Here's hoping all is well with you and yours!

God Bless,
Am in Van Buren Arkansas tonight, on my way home. Have to head back to Tulsa Monday or Tuesday to get the rest of my mom's stuff. If anyone wants Buckeye chicks/eggs from Jen and can meet me in Tulsa, let us know.
The new coop for housing the 25 Buckeyes we have coming from Buckeye Dave arrived on Friday. You can see it at my website posting here if you're interested: http://www.betterhensandgardens.com/2010/06/13/new-chicken-coop-with-surprise/ I'm pretty happy with t he way it turned out, and they threw in six 5-week old Golden Buff chicks too

Buckeye Dave, since we've got chicks again, it's now likely I'll survive until we get those Buckeyes from you
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