Buckeye Breed Thread

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new bantam Buckeye barn is done. Just big enough for the 6 chicklets out growing the brooder in the basement.

The bottom board pulls out for easy cleaning and the roof sections hinge up for easy access. The run is 20 x 9 with the hardware cloth buried 2 ft down. The gate has a threshhold of cinder blocks buried standing on end with hardware cloth. It's also netted over so no attacks from above.

When they are old enough there's 5 acres to free range when I'm home. Mostly my current layers prefer to range around the house and landscaped yard. All the better to dig up flowers and poop on patios.



I've got to say, these buckeyes have some of the nicest housing around. GO BUCKEYES! Just for those who don't keep up with those things, the leaf in the Ohio State logo on the side of the previous coop is a buckeye leaf.
That is an awesome coop!!!! I think I am going to steal your idea and build one very similar for my buckeyes. Better yet just ship it to me...
Our little "runt" buckeye we call Tiny was being picked on pretty good by her siblings...(they're tall enough now that she can walk under them no prob)...so anyway we removed her from the big run.
She wasn't pleased with us at first,
but we "rehomed" her with seven, 8 week old pharoah quail 2 nights ago. She is just a little taller than they are but about twice as wide. Last night when we were "tucking" in the brood, Tiny was nestled down and all 7 quail were laying down right next to her and all around her. She looked like a mini hen with chicks

I'm out of town for a couple days now but when I get back I'll send pics of her new fmily.
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We all talk about breeding to standard and having chickens that look like the standard Buckeye. Could someone post some pictures of Buckeyes that are standard or near standard.
I observed my first Buckeye mating of my young rooster yesterday(different breed hen). He is 19 weeks old. His hatch mate pullets are starting to get there red combs and waddles. Can't wait for my first egg.
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