Buckeye Breed Thread

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I will be crossing one of my Buckeye roos over RIW, Dels, and Lt Sussex. These should give me some great jumbo layers. Another benefit is if they inherit the broody instinct of my Buckeyes.

Regarding the census
4 roosters
8 hens
6 pullets
All are McCary except 1 pullet from John.

Have a Blessed week

I also am thinking that a Buck/Del would make a great cross for a meat bird and maybe even a egg layer. Don't know but may try it.

I would try it if I didn't already have too many breeds but I will be crossing my New Hampshires and Dels as a sex link if I knew someone close with a spare Buckeye Roo I'd try it in a heartbeat....

I'm in northeastern CA. I have 7 12-week-old buckeyes. As far a I can tell right now 3 are pullets and 4 cockrels. To me that's extra roos. I would be willing to sell extra roos for a reasonable price plus shipping when the weather is safe enough. Unfortunately, I don't have any strain information. These came from some of my first shipped hatching eggs and the parent stock came from an auction. I need to take some new photos to get opinions on which roo to keep. Meanwhile, my offer stands.
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Thanks for the offer you are way faraway from me the closest I've been to you lately was Reno and I have no plan to go that way soon...they should make good fryers or roasters
I also am thinking that a Buck/Del would make a great cross for a meat bird and maybe even a egg layer. Don't know but may try it.

I would try it if I didn't already have too many breeds but I will be crossing my New Hampshires and Dels as a sex link if I knew someone close with a spare Buckeye Roo I'd try it in a heartbeat....

Lotsapaints, if you're still interested next year, I generally make it down to Paso in Juneish (heh, for a horse show), and it's likely we'll have spare cockerels next spring.
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I think the aggressive behavior you're seeing is the exception to the rule. My Buckeyes have always run with other breeds happily, I've never had such a problem.

Most likely the fact that the females encountered the young male in daylight when they didn't know him led to this. I realise you couldn't control the circumstances, but chickens are hard wired to treat such a situation as if the unknown bird is an intruder who could harm them.

Had you introduced him to the flock at night so they would have woken up with him, I doubt that would have happened.

That being said, I have heard there is a line of Buckeyes out there that are mean. Remind me from whom you got your birds?

Thanks for the offer poltroon I just might take you up on it my hubby is from Ohio and always wanted me to get some I just gave up on hatching any the mail service wasn't kind to my eggs...
I always think it is a good thing if a rooster comes to protect his hens, and I never punish one for attacking me (if that is the only time). I sometimes will pick up the rooster before I pick up the hens. Your fella wanted to protect them but did not attack you. I think you have a good rooster there.

Me too, and glad to hear it. He has been enthusiastic about the pullets so he had to temporarily go to the Boys Behaving Badly pen with the other boys until we can get some feathers back, but he has been a gentleman around the kids.

We are hoping to keep this guy and maybe his brother and put them over some Sand Hill pullets (only got one pullet from the JamesA eggs, she's a keeper, don't know if the boys are full sibs).

The Sand Hill pullets are not as deep red-brown as the JamesA birds (whose original stock came from you I believe?).
Is the deeper-redder brown considered more correct? I prefer it myself. Will the Sand Hill babies' color richen up (they are only about 8 weeks)? Should I work with the Sand Hill girls or go look for some better pullets?

These Buckeye roosters will also be over some disappointing Sand Hill Delaware-ish pullets to see if they make a nice meat cross. So they will have a nice harem.
Pathfinders (Laura),
We spoke a couple months ago regarding some of your buckeye eggs. I've lost and entire flock, and have desperately trying to find someone with birds, eggs, ect to replace my program. Spoke with 3 other BYC'rs but am still awaiting replies on bird number, price, best days to come up, ect. Thought I'd touch base with you again and see about eggs. Looks like I'm starting from scratch all over again
Thanks hun...
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Still too hot to ship eggs/chicks, and I do have a waiting list for this fall. Contact me offline at lhaggarty AT blueone DOT net to discuss this further.


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