Buckeye Breed Thread

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Darn I should have went sounds like there was some good birds there. Im 2 hrs from there but I couldnt persuade my parents to lend me their car.
Evening to All... been upping the protein in the diet of the bucks....game bird feed, cat food treats that are 32% protein and treats like pork liver fryed and cut into small pieces for a way to clean the freezer and see things get used up. Nice breed and doing well...
~ bigzio
just got some pics and wanted to show.
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Neat! How would one contact one of those folks?

Also, is this guy worth keeping if he's the best (i think, not sure) of my 5 roos? Or should I just scrap the bunch and keep the hen? I really like the buckeyes, but should've bought from a recognized breeder I guess.




ETA: They are 16 weeks now and I'd like to get rid of or butcher those that I'm not keeping before they get any tougher....free range, ya know?
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hey everyone....I haven't been on this thread in forever. I don't own any Buckeyes, but considered them when picking breeds, but that was before I fell in LOVE with Bantam Ameraucanas. I digress. I will have an open pen here really soon. Actually I'm making one and will have an extra and was wondering if anyone had pictures of Bantam Buckeyes. I prefer to only deal with bantams to follow a theme. Bantam Ameraucanas, Bantam d'Uccles and maybe Bantam Buckeyes. Any information and/or pictures of these little guys would be amazing. I hope I didn't impede on any conversations.

Any Buckeye breeder in Sacramento area ? I am interested in this breed. PM or shoot me a message. Thanks
foxflower.. It's really hard to tell from pictures. Heck, I have trouble choosing mine when I'm holding them. I would like a front on shot of the comb. Color is real hard to judge in a pic I don't see any green in the hackles, which is a problem I am dealing with. Beautiful yellow legs. Looks like could be darker, but this might be the flash or might develop as the hackles and saddle grow out.

Punky, yours on the other hand, is very dark, almost like a RIR. There again, I would like a good closeup of his comb. Is this the one in your avatar? Hens look nice from what I can see.

The best help I have is to go by the ALBC assessment guide for heritage chickens, which uses a buckeye for illustration, so it is really great, but takes time to know what you are looking at and feeling. I still wish I had someone to come and pick mine out for me.

Hi greencastle, I just bought a few bantams for the second time. The first ones I decided I didn't quite like the type, a little too gamey. The ones I just bought the roos are a little "RIR" looking. Maybe what I need is a cross between the two.... Will try to get up some pictures soon of the new guys.
Thanks Jenscott, I'll try to get a shot of his comb....he wouldn't hold still long enough yesterday! Today he's enclosed in a chicken house, so should be able to get one. What exactly is it about the comb that is important? I haven't noticed any green sheen, but I'll double check. His buckeye sheen isn't what I'd like, but I'm hoping it will develop. There's another roo I like as well, me buckeye color, but his comb is more irregular, so don't know. I'll post comb pics when I can. Thanks again.
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