Buckeye Breed Thread

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hey jen aren't buckeyes expose to look similer to RIR?
and i talked to laura and she liked him.
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Actually Punky, The rir are darker, very brown-red almost black looking especially in dim light. And they are longer, more rectangular as opposed to the Buckeye's square-ish shape. I didn't say I didn't like him, I wanted to see more of him. Like I said, it is really hard to tell a lot from pictures. I find that outside of general shape, if you can't "heft" and feel the bird, all you can judge are the outstanding visible characteristics. So I can only help with what I see.

In my birds, the major faults I find are: bad comb, green hackles, and white feathers, so those are usually the ones that catch my eye first. Go here https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?pid=3674076#p3674076 and look at Laura's bird. then look at your bird's comb. Tell me what you see.

No bird is perfect. We use what we have and try to breed the best we can, hoping to make wise choices in selecting the next generation of breeders. Apparently I didn't do too well this past year, as I am having trouble finding cockerels to show in the upcoming show season out of about 20 birds. Oh, well, live and learn.
thanks jen but do you think he has a bad comb?
I know it doesn't compare to laura's rooster's but can I still show him?
and also what do you mean by green hackles?
thanks punky
As previously discussed about the feed issue I am going to take Laura's advise on using turkey starter on my chicks that are coming this weekend(Delawares). I called the local feed store and they have some. Its 24% protein and it cost $13.50 for 50#. I have a few Del's now and adding to them. So my two breeds will be Delawares and Buckeye's. So I guess Sekinkead and I will be doing the same thing. Might even try a few crosses for the meat. I need to corner my wife and get some pictures of my Buckeye's on here. They are beautiful and really starting to lay at 7 months old.
Gotta question.

I know the APA does not want the standards shared outside of purchase of one of their books. I know, too, that Laura received permission for the partial standard she has posted on the American Buckeye Poultry yahoo group.

Has the standard for Buckeyes changed since 1998? I found a black and white SOP available from that year. Obviously, if I'm going to show these great birds
, I need to know what the disqualifications are, and also how the points are weighted. Hate to show up with one that's disqualified
, when I had others at home that wouldn't have been!


Janet Hatch
Transport help needed: Frankfort, KY to Arkansas

Would appreciate it if someone could assist in transporting a pullet from Frankfort, KY show to Arkansas. If you can please let me know. This would save her being shipped from Wisconsin. Could meet anyone in Little Rock to pick it up.
my rooster tried to attack me. I let him out then he jumped at me, so i picked him up and carried him around the yard then put him back and has not done it since. I'm prabably going to carry him every day to calm him down
I just wanted to take a moment to update everyone on my "crisis" issue from a month or so ago...Dave Puthoff, once again, came to my rescue to help me preserve this phenominal breed. I was completely whiped out several weeks ago by coyotes, as most of you know. Many of you made offers and suggested mention of help, but Dave was the one who took it into his hands and made sure I had the quality of birds/eggs I had from my previous program, to continue my journey with this fantastic breed. I am amazed and I am forever greatful to all of you who inspired me and "held my hand" during this terrible time, but I am forever indebted to Buckeyedave for his mentoring and patience with me. Not to mention his "above and beyond" actions when they were so desperately needed. THANK YOU EVERYONE!
Last week I hatched six buckeye over RIR chicks from looking at them they all have pea combs and if i breed them with my buckeye roo would they still be considered buckeyes? And is there a chance that breeding them together could boost egg laying? I know the Brown strain has cornish in it. And they all look just like my buckeye chicks looked like.

thanks punky
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