Buckeye Breed Thread

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Chris I too will be looking for pictures of you barns!!!!!!

Jen how about showing new pictures of your new barn. We haven't see the completed pictures yet unless I missed them.
And I have development!
First batch I received I see the eggs veining & lil' spots, second batch is hard to tell some veining and some ? I'm giving it more time. At least I know I have nice Buckeye babies on the way! Still wanting a already made / started flock
maybe with some luck
The normal thing for my wife and I to do is set on the deck in the evenings and throw bread to the chickens. They really enjoy that as we do. Last night after the bread feeding my 5 month old Buckeye rooster jumped up on deck's floor and just stood there watching us as if to say thanks for the treat for my girlfriends(he never eats it but lets his girls eat it, a true gentlemen). I thought that was pretty neat.
My main Coro Sussex rooster "Vanilla Ice" does the same thing, he is such a gentleman and lets his ladies (and other lower men) eat their treats but all he'll do is pick it up and show it to them with a lot of enthusiasm. He is the type of rooster that would give his life for his flock. I always sit on my front deck in the morning and spoil my babies with different treats, it's so soothing to watch the chickens. I also treat my other free range chicken pens with goodies - not spoiled or anything!
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