Buckeye X Cornish X breeding project. Third generation pics pg. 20

very interested in your weights. My girls are right at a year now and breaking down fast. they certainly do better in the cold than the heat though and we haven't had heat yet.
still hoping to see some of your weights Jeff
I'm working on that, I picked one up and was engulfed in little white/clear bugs. So I bought some powder to put on them and to clean out their coop. Since they do not roost, they must be easy targets. They do not dust as efficiently as the other layers which probably doesn't help either.

As soon as they get cleaned up I will try to get some weights. I weighed the rooster though, he has also been on a restricted diet as well so he is not getting full feed like his brother and is weighing in at 9 lbs. The females are pushing 14-18 I would guess.
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Well I weighed two of them and they were 10 and 12 pounds. Not as big as I thought.... but still big.

The big hatch day is Sunday... Can't wait and will have plenty of pics, that is if they hatch! I'm excited to see what we get and how they grow. I'm going to put them in with the broiler chicks that just came this Thursday. I'm going to start them in the house for about a week and then off to the brooder they go.
I didn't start them on a strict diet like your doing. I waited until 5 weeks until I started restricting feed so your hens should be way better off than mine were. 3 out of the 8 are having a hard time because they were about 9 weeks when I started restricting them.
I hope you have a great hatch . Its an interesting cross . Those pure Buckeyes had pretty good carcasses in the other post ; if you can increase the breast size a little and maybe shorten the grow period a week or two you'll have a truly outstanding self-sustaining breed .

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