Budder a' fo'k, huh?


Completly Hopeless
14 Years
Dec 6, 2009
Southwestern Washington State
Miss Mazie (age two-almost-three) has been having a bad day.
I was giving her ideas of things she might want- Barbie? Bath? Cookies? Ni-night?- when she suddenly asks for ''budder a' fo'k.'' You want WHAT?

''Budder a' fo'k!''
So I went and got her a stick of butter and a fork. As I type this she is sitting next to me eating butter. Whatever, as long as she'll quit crying!
My OTHER sister, Elizabeth, who is now five, once was seen cuddling a stick of butter saying, ''Oh buddie... I yuv you.'' Should I be concerned? I mean, a love of butter is normal, right?
It won't hurt any, unless she stops eating everything else. I must admit I like butter, but I have never eaten straight from the stick before. At least she's not crying anymore.
When Dd was about 3 she one day insisted on Ah-ives. Took me a few minutes to decipher she wanted olives. Since she, as far as I knew had never had any I was curious where the urge came from..... But I gave her olives and she promptly stuck one on each finger and happily munched on Ah-ives for a while...

I'd be thrilled she was using a fork and not just shoving the stick of butter in her mouth!!

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