Buf Brama

Hello Carmen, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
I would keep the best cockerel and rehome the other four. Consider joining some local Facebook poultry groups to advertise them there. I typically offer my mixed breed cockerels for $5 each and when I find a good home for them I just declined the money.
Yes, thank you will like to trade a few for hens.
Hello Carmen, and welcome to BYC! :frow Glad you joined.
I would keep the best cockerel and rehome the other four. Consider joining some local Facebook poultry groups to advertise them there. I typically offer my mixed breed cockerels for $5 each and when I find a good home for them I just declined the money.
Good idea, we have gotten close with them, my daughter has named them all, but I feel there will be an issue with to many, so trading or finding them a home would be best.

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