Buff/Black Orpington cross?


12 Years
May 2, 2011
Yucca Valley
I am in love with the Orpingtons. I currently have 4 buff pullets and a buff rooster. I am going to be getting 4 black pullets very soon. I thought I saw on here some where that if you breed a buff and a black you get x amount of buffs and x amount of blacks or possibly some blues, something to that effect. Then I found this picture which states that this is a cross between a Buff and a Blue Orpington. They are calling it a Blue Patterned Buff Columbian. Is it possible I will get these colors if my Buff roo breeds my black hens?

Here is the link to the page: http://keepingthefarm.blogspot.com/2010/08/blue-orpington-chickens.html
I'm pretty sure you won't get anything with blue in it unless they are "split" or carry the blue gene. Pure blacks don't. But blacks that are the result of breeding blue to black could carry the blue gene and you might have something like in those pictures. Otherwise I believe you'll get something similar to the pictures but with black where the blue is on those birds. I've been looking this up myself because I have a "pure" black rooster and some buff girls. It will be some months before they'll let him do his thing but he's ok since he's got the rest of the girls in his harem. He's working on them though lol.
Black with Buff Will not Give you Blue, ever.

Black Blue Spash Crosses

Black X Black = 100% Black
Black X Blue 50% Black 50% Blue
Black X Splash = 100% Blue
Blue X Blue 25% Splash 50% Blue 25 % Black
Blue X Splash = 50% blue 50% Splash
Splash X Splash = 100% Splash

Black X Buff will probably give mainly Black Birds with Buff to Orange Bleeding in the feathers but I am not 100% certain.. I have a cockerel that in his neck and Saddle feathers has Orange Bleeding.

I doubt you will get any offspring from the first mating of Buff to Black that will be a solid color. I did that breeding as a test to see if my AAA quality Buff hens were infact able to lay a fertile egg. I used a jet Black Meyer hatchery mix, he was to be a Jersey Giant but after he grew out it was obvious he was a cross of Ameraucana and Australorp. He only weighed 8 lbs. But I used him and he and my large Buff hen produced 5 offspring. 4 had both Buff or Red feathers mixed with Black feathers. Looked sorta like this


I did have one huge 11 lbs at 11 month ole cock who had the Silver gene. Buffs carry alot of diverse recessive genes. I used this cock back to a Blue Splash and a Black. He produced about 75% of the time solid color birds. So it may take 2 generations to achieve a jet Black Orp.
Bill is right in that all black X Buff crosses will look like his bird. We had a black hen jump a fence and get in with the buffs. We hatched two that looked just like the above bird. Pure Orpington, just mixed varieties. We sold the pullet at our county fair for $5 for a backyard layer. The cockerel is being kept for a future sunday dinner.

Correction ETA: With so amny chicks in our brooder house we thought these were younger, instead they came from soem swap eggs and are Orp Bantams. Type is good, just poor color.


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Bill is right in that all black X Buff crosses will look like his bird. We had a black hen jump a fence and get in with the buffs. We hatched two that looked just like the above bird. Pure Orpington, just mixed varieties. We sold the pullet at our county fair for $5 for a backyard layer. The cockerel is being kept for a future sunday dinner.


you will NOT have blue or splash... you need blue to start with. you will most likely get black/orange birds like lildinkem, depending on what genes your birds hide, you might get some other surprises like his silver or something new. but unless your black is actually an incredibly dark blue bird, you cant get blues, and definitely not splashes (you need 2 blue genes to get that).
Hello! I was wondering if any of you guys are selling any lavender, blue, white, crele or splash orps? I am going to be doing 4H and I am trying to track down some of these gorgeous colors. Or do you know of any good quality hatcheries that might have some? PM me if you have any info!

Thanks so much!
True, but OP might have meant only that they were trying some way to get blues. For me, it had to be hatching eggs, shipped.

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