Buff Orphington?


7 Years
Jul 4, 2014
When I was younger I went to a feed store and purchased these chicks that grew up and looked exactly like buff orphingtons except they laid green eggs instead of brown. Any ideas? Thanks folks. They were super broody too.. if that helps idk.
If the birds are laying green eggs, they're Easter Eggers (by definition, a bird that lays colored eggs is an Easter Egger). Some Easter Eggers, because they are cross breeds, look a lot like Buff Orpingtons.
Thanks for the I'm put everyone. That would make al it of sense that they were orpington ameracauna cross... They were hardy chickens wish I knew where to get a cross breed like this. They had that docile orpington attitude too.
Wow pretty! Sadly no pics... she looked exactly like a blonde orp but laid green eggs. Wow your Easter egger is so pretty. She looks like my lavender ameracauna :)
This is one of my "Easter orps". Mom was a non- bearded EE and dad was a buff orpington. I have 4 from the same parents and they all look pretty similar, except one that is a bit darker colored. All lay large green eggs.

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