Buff orpington rooster with an easter egger hen ? ? ?

An easter egger is a mutt chicken. Crossing it with a pure BO makes another mutt chicken. There are so many genetic unknowns in the history of EE's it could be just about any color at hatch.
Here's an EE x Orp..... I'm not CERTAIN... but I think it was EE roo over Orp. hen as opposed to Orp roo over EE hen.... would it make a huge difference?


And yup, it'd be a mutt! This one has a real sweet temperament. She has a pea comb.
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What color eggs would it lay? And could I call it a Buff Orpington Easter Egger Mix? Or just Buff Orpington Easter Egger?

How mch could I sell chicks for, the $5-6 dollars people sell EEs for?

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