*Buff Orpington Thread!*

I have heard that a female can get as high as a 5 foot persons thigh. Is this true, because my Orps female are about 1 and a half feet and they are 5 months old?
Hmmm are you sure they are female? LOL just kidding. Well they should be done growing pretty soon. Don't worry Buff Orpington females are usually very docile. Don't let their size intimidate you. If they do end up getting very big you should enter them in a show. The grand prize will cover the cost of the purchase for them plus-depending how much you get-make up for all the food needed to raise them. So your girls will pay for themselves AND you get eggs!!! Now if I can just get mine to do it too
I will enter them in a show, if they do get big! If you want I will give you updates on how big they are getting every month or so?

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