*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Too cute!!!

That is so funny. I have never seen that before. That is either a really smart chick or a really lazy one. Hitching a ride on moms back

Johnn, that is the cutest thing I have ever seen!!!!! I can't believe you take your pics with a phone camera. They are all so beautiful.
Thank you's! :)

Oh Johnn I love it! How adorable! I have a question for you. When she went broody did you just put some eggs under her then? I have a broody and have been thinking maybe I should go find some eggs for her to hatch.
Yeah I did just put the eggs straight under but they were form my own hens. If you plan to have some shipped to you then you should leave them sitting point down for 24hrs before putting them under her :)
Ever since starting my chicken venture 2 months ago, I have been obsessed with BOs! Well I cant find anyone in my area who sells them sexed, and I cant have roosters, so I started out with another breed. Well our feed store finally got some in, and when I got there to get some, they had 1 left. So I scooped her up, and one other of another breed. Well, they are now 4 weeks, and my little BO is sick!! I went to let them do some outside time today, and she was really calm and let me pick her right up, and didnt jump off of me as soon as we got outside, like she had been doing. I brought her back inside. She was not eating or drinking. Her poops are all liquid, no solid and mostly clear with some white. I looked in their brooder, and there are some bloody poos in there. Well, I have been cuddling her, making her drink some water. I went to the feed store to get something for Coccidiosis, cause it seemed to me thats all it could be, but they were out of anything that could help with that. I did give her some sugar water and water with electrolytes in it. She wouldnt touch wet food, so I gave her the option of wet and dry food. She wouldnt move. Just lay where ever I sat her, and just sleep. Now, a few hours later, she has a little more energy. She is eating the dry food on her own and drinking on her own. Not a lot, but more than she was this morning. She is moving a little around the box she is in, in the house. ...

Not sure if this is a sign of improvement, but I cant lose my little Buff. So sad!! All my others are thriving, and she was the one I really wanted, and of course it would be her that got sick!
My buff orpington chick is a bully! We have three chicks about 5 weeks old - a BO, a black sex link and an ISA brown. Our BO is AWFUL to our ISA, and will occasionally pick at our black sex link. These chicks have all been together since they were less than a week old. I really disappointed because we purposely selected a BO because they are supposed to be so nice.

Is there anything I can do to fix this? Or did we just end up with a mean BO?
I have 5 BO's and they have always been together too. I have one that has decided that its a good thing to pluck feathers off the others. She is the only one that has the beautiful "bottom" left. Driving me crazy!!!!! She doesn't do it aggressively, just walks up, grabs a feather and pulls it out. And none of the other chickens do a thing about it. I bought some peck no more stuff, will see if that works. Has anyone ever used those pinless peepers? And if so was it successful?

I have the same problem, my BO's that I picked because their suppose to be so easy going are so hRd on the two hens under them. They plucked poor Jezebel a bald spot on top her head. Well things got better when Winnie went broody and stayed in the coop all the time. Penny fit in well and was very little to no pecking just a little over food, normal stuff. Now Winnie has snapped out of her broody ness so we shall see how it goes. It may be awhile tho cause Jezebel is starting to go broody. I have really been trying to hang in there hoping they will become a peacefully flock. But if Winnie doesn't come around she will have to go. When they were starting to lay and figure out the pecking order she would also challenge me pecking me hard even caused a welt and bruising, and flocked at me. I almost got rid of her then but hung in there and had to show her I was boss now she will squat when I come around so we got through that. I hope that this will pass to and she will stop being so mean to Jezebel and Beth. I guess there's always exceptions to the rule. Some people will blame it on hatchery stock which I did get mine from coastal not a breeder. But I have read people with hatchery birds get really sweet ones. I guess it's the luck of the drawl. Winnie is a odd ball all the way around, she has a odd personality acts dorky has a wired floppy cone and lays wired huge shaped eggs lol. I had to part with my rooster because he started pecking her in the head she got a little broody around him and started running around acting like a total nut hollering. Anyway best of luck with yours. I usually don't tolerate a bully she better change her ways. It's so nice having a peaceful flock.
I'm looking forward to having a peaceful flock once again. I just hope I can do it without having to "get rid of her" :eek:(
Many thanks to the person who told me he/she had a Buff Orpington pullet who feathered in very slowly--seems that my Betsy is truly a Betsy and not a Bubba after all. I had years of experience with my Blue/Black/Splash Orp line and any chick that feathered that way was a definite cockerel, but with hatchery stock or even another line of Orps, things can be different, I guess.

Here is Betsy at about 9 weeks old, pinkish though her wattles and comb may be, her shape is pullet and the comb is not enlarged at all. She still has no tail, LOL.

I think that might have been me that posted that reply to you when you were wondering about her gender. I'm so glad that she is in fact a girl and she is turning out to be a very pretty young lady :eek:) And I love the coloring of the bird coming through the door in the second pic too!

I'm annoyed about my phone camera going a bit blury, but look at the chick on her back!
Quote: That one is a Mille Fleur Belgian D'Anver hen. Betsy and her NH "sister", Cheyenne, were raised by a broody D'Anver hen and are still living in that coop. Ive had most of those hens go broody once and half of those are now brooding yet again.

I've still never had a pullet with wattles and comb this pink at this young of an age as Betsy's are, but they are still pullet-size so I guess I'll just chalk it up to one of those earlybirds.
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I started my first flock on Mar 9, with 12 Buff orpingtons. They were only a day old and so precious. As of this posting they are now 9 wks & 3 days and growing so fast.

One of my 7 roos jumped on her lap, surprise. They were only 7 wks when we moved them outside into a dog run. They seem to have grown faster since being outside for two weeks.

Olivia got the hang of it and started petting them. She is the only courageous one out of my 7 local grandchildren that goes in the pen. My birds are very nice to the children, they peck a lot, but I explain they don't have hands to touch you.

This is Jaxson touching one of my girls when still in their playpen brooder. I moved them outside that week.

I have enjoyed all your postings on this thread and love the pictures. I believe I have 7 roos and 5 hens, but not real sure. I have a question if anyone can help, do you leave the spurs on your roos or is there a way to remove them? They don't have any at this time, but I am concerned and don't know. I live in a county that doesn't allow roos, soooooo, other than eating them.......what do I do? I still don't have a coop and am trying to find one I can make and attach to the dog run that we are using. Thank you all for your time and this great thread. Nana from SW Florida
I just got a buff Orpington from a friend but she is not tamed at all! Does anyone know any tips or tricks to help tame her? P.s she is about a year old hen
That one is a Mille Fleur Belgian D'Anver hen. Betsy and her NH "sister", Cheyenne, were raised by a broody D'Anver hen and are still living in that coop. Ive had most of those hens go broody once and half of those are now brooding yet again.

I've still never had a pullet with wattles and comb this pink at this young of an age as Betsy's are, but they are still pullet-size so I guess I'll just chalk it up to one of those earlybirds.
At the risk of sounding silly:

What's the difference between a Mille Fluer D'Anver and a Mille Fluer D'Uccle?
At the risk of sounding silly:

What's the difference between a Mille Fluer D'Anver and a Mille Fluer D'Uccle?

Mille fleur is the color. Belgian D'Anver and Belgian D'Uccle are two different breeds, though distantly related. D'Uccles are feathered feet and single combs and are slightly larger. D'Anvers have rose combs and are clean legged.

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