*Buff Orpington Thread!*


My roo

My hens and the roo
Are these both Buff Orpington Roosters? They were given to me from separate farms and I was told they are both Orpingtons.

That's what I thought at first.
Here is a photo of my hens.

For the rooster in question male or female, besides the head crest is there another way to identify he's male or female...I guess stick him in a box alone and see if he lays an egg??? ;-)

The lady I got him from picked him out of all the rest and said he was a rooster, but I've questioned it, especially after we got the new NOTICEABLY male Rooster LOL
Wondering if anyone had any tips to help them? My neighbor (old farmer) swears by cayenne pepper powder on their food? Dont thinks its a very humaine thing to do..
Birds, including chickens, don't have the receptors that mammals have and do not feel any "burn" from hot peppers. So it's not inhumane in that way. My experience is that it does kick up egg laying but I don't make it a habit to give them any. I feel that their healthy systems know when they really should be laying and leave it at that.
That's what I thought at first.
Here is a photo of my hens.

For the rooster in question male or female, besides the head crest is there another way to identify he's male or female...I guess stick him in a box alone and see if he lays an egg??? ;-)

The lady I got him from picked him out of all the rest and said he was a rooster, but I've questioned it, especially after we got the new NOTICEABLY male Rooster LOL

Well a batch of the Fluffy Orpington Roosters fertilized eggs hatched today so he is officially a rooster not a hen :)

Is this rooster an Orpington or something different?
That's what I thought at first.
Here is a photo of my hens.

For the rooster in question male or female, besides the head crest is there another way to identify he's male or female...I guess stick him in a box alone and see if he lays an egg??? ;-)

The lady I got him from picked him out of all the rest and said he was a rooster, but I've questioned it, especially after we got the new NOTICEABLY male Rooster LOL
In the previous photos you have a hen with a very large comb and wattles on top, and a rooster on the bottom.
I hope beyond hope that it is environmental. I was not that lucky with mine yrs ago. It was Mg. As in MS/MG. It is a Resp disease. Once they get it , even if it gets better they become carriers. when they get weakened or problems occur it will return. They will also give it to all the other chickens around them usually. Occasionally you will get a resistant one but not normally. I had to get rid of my entire flock and use a special cleaning material to clean my coop. I had to wait for three months to get hens again. It was terrible. I wish you better luck. Since then I get no hens or pullets from outside. I get eggs from what I pray are clean flocks and keep the chicks quarantined for about 6 weeks before they are anywhere near my hens. If I hear a sneeze, I quarantine until I am sure it was just a sneeze. Once burned you are sooooooo careful from then on. You would think the hatcheries would be safe but they aren't. They get their eggs from farms other than their own at times and do not test for ms/mg. So far Mt healthy EE's have been clean for me so I get a few each yr. I sure hope that continues to hold true. I keep them away from my layers for the 6 weeks like I do the hatched chicks. Good luck with your chicks. Oh I have heard that a med. called Dena-guard will help to protect your flock you may want to check into that. My first flock after the outbreak of mine I used it and they stayed healthy.
Thank you! After reading other posts, I'm very hopeful my issue is environmental. I'm new at raising chickens and I don't think I did my coop ventilation correctly. I'm going to make some adjustments :) thank you for responding.

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