*Buff Orpington Thread!*

Please do so, as I learn alot from your posts

Hey Marvin,
Here are a few picks from that combo we were talking about. You as always were rite on the mark with what you thought is possible. I DID get a pure Silver. This one is from the pullet in question. She is the only one which I have hatched from who has Blue legs. As you can see the other chicks all have White legs. So, I guess I just keep making them until I get a pure Silver with White legs. All of these are different looks that you predicted. Thank you for sharing your knowledge buddy.

This guy likes to sleep under the roosting post. And it shows.

Im starting to think my buffs will never start laying!!!! All of my other breeds have been laying around 22-26 weeks and my buffs are the slackers!
Wondering if anyone had any tips to help them? My neighbor (old farmer) swears by cayenne pepper powder on their food? Dont thinks its a very humaine thing to do..
Hopefully not from birds that have bred to the SOP for a number of generations.

These were from a 2 time "Champion English" hen that only was shown in 4 APA sanctioned shows and my $20 Akers cock. I suggest to those who are serious EXHIBITION breeders to hatch out at least 30 or more to cull from. YOU THEN HAVE TO CHOOSE WHO YOU USE IN YOUR BREEDING PROGRAM. I only culled one of the 11 cockerels from this breeding. When you do breed for EXHIBITION,which I do, you need to have numbers to pick from. Many will hacth out 10 or so and think they have what they need for breeding. Matt Lahmon, ABA Vice President once said on a thread, that he likes to keep at least 5 males. This is what Matt said: "One will get killed from predators, one will die for no apparent reason, one will have no vigor to breed leaving a breeder two IF their lucky to use".
Alan Ammarell, one of my mentors, also told me, to use as many of the better cockerels to see which ones has the genetics that best matches up with the desired females you use.
I do attend 4 to 5 APA sanctioned shows a year. I do show my Orps. BUT, I am also a breeder who is smart enough to know that I do not know everything. That is why I have mentors who I listen and learn from. Here on BYC I share what I learn. I can at least say my Orps have won "Champion English" at a 1,700+ entry APA Show. A good mentor is hard to find. The more the better. I have 5 mentors who are very worthy of the meaning "MENTOR".
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Try using some Denaguard. Ours was unfortunately forced into a hard molt a month after they started laying from their fall molt. We treated everything with Denaguard and they are now in full production. Learn more about Denaguard at https://www.backyardchickens.com/t/392918/anyone-familiar-with-denagard/10

Im starting to think my buffs will never start laying!!!! All of my other breeds have been laying around 22-26 weeks and my buffs are the slackers!

Mine to I have two out of 7 laying

Wondering if anyone had any tips to help them? My neighbor (old farmer) swears by cayenne pepper powder on their food? Dont thinks its a very humaine thing to do..
I thought I'd post this here to see if anyone had any tips. My sneezing chick is my BO, she is my sweetest and favorite :

I have one of my 16 chickens that started sneezing, she has a slight clear runny nose. No other symptoms. My chickens were just recently moved outdoors this week into their coop. Temps are 50s during the day and low 40s at night. We use a 100 watt bulb in the coop at night. Our climate here is damp, as we live in a rainforest. Would you say this is more something environmental? We do not have a vet regularly on our island or I would take her to the vet. I also highly doubt he'd specialize in avian illness. I appreciate any tips! I did start acv in the flocks water.

Thank you

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