*Buff Orpington Thread!*

He was SO sweet and gentle though, wish I could have kept him

Awww....I'm sorry you weren't able to keep him:hugs

Are Buff Orpingtons good for being friendly and affectionate pets?

BO's can be a bit more "cuddly" than say a Barred Rock. Each one has their own personality. I have one that doesn't mind being held now and then, the other girl would rather just have little chats:)
Are Buff Orpingtons good for being friendly and affectionate pets?
BO's are known for their friendliness and being gentle around little kids. As a seasoned BO owner, I've never had a BO that was ever meaner than the occasional peck and scratch but ANY breed can be this gentle as long as you are near them often, they get used to your voice and the most important, handling them as chicks. This is a main factor of having sweet and people friendly chickens of any breed. They make WONDERFUL companions for people, specifically little kids. when my nieces come over, it's like my BO's know that they are young and not as strong to hold them so they just plop on the ground or perch and stay there for hours without moving! So sweet! I would TOTALLY recommend Bo's for your pets! (and they lay beautiful light brown eggs all year!) Hope this helped!
I have a feeling putting up all that roosting space was for nothing
Mine would fight over that top roost. Everyone wants the highest place.

They always want to be at the highest point, your biggest roost should have been on top.

Feeling a sense of deja vue.

I feel her pain... I had a narrow window sill that they would roost on until I made a roost for them that was a fraction of an inch higher.

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