Buff Orps in Northern California?


10 Years
Mar 28, 2009
Northern Califonia
Hello everyone! I love my flock of buff orpingtons and they lay very well. They are hatchery birds, though, and the roosters we cull for meat are never anywhere close to the weight stated for the breed. They are free ranged on pasture and have free choice of organic feed at all times. Am I wrong in thinking that if I purchased eggs/birds from a breeder they would still produce well AND grow to the "standard" size on pasture and commercial food? Does anyone have recommendations of someone here in Northern California that I might purchase eggs from? My girls are starting to linger in the nest boxes and I'm betting I have someone going broody before too much longer. It would be a simple thing to slip some nice eggs under her and let her do the work of brooding the chicks.
I would buy my eggs from the person selling eggs on the BYC auction ....... he's from N.C. but is great at shiping eggs.......
just got some from him he has the best that i,ve seen in a while. Can,t remember his name off the top of my head i suffer from CRS if t
you know what i mean......... i'm at work rite now my last overnite for this week any ways. hope it never happens again......yea rite
Thanks! You wouldn't be referring to Steve at Sand's Poultry, by any chance? I know he breeds turkeys, didn't realize he also bred chickens. NC is far away from California, but if I were buying across country I would give him a try. He has answered many of my questions on the turkey forum. Anyway, thanks for the information.

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