Buffs are 18 weeks old, no eggs

My buff orp is 22 weeks. Her face just started turning red about a week ago and her pin bones are not three fingers apart yet, so I figure she'll lay around last of June, first of July, which would be 26 weeks. My barred rock laid at 18 weeks and my Easter Egger laid at 17 weeks. My australorpe looks like she'll lay within the week at 23 weeks. Huge red comb and wattles and 2 3/4 fingers between pin bones. The faces of my 22 week old white jersey, buff brahma and BLRW are getting pretty red, but I think they'll be at least 6-8 weeks yet.
Too funny, but this thread was my lucky charm I guess. You'll notice above that I said my Buff Orp should lay in about a month. Well, WRONG, my Buff Orp (Amelia Pond) laid her first egg TODAY!!!!!

Medium size, and a good shell.

This is Amelia Pond looking all pleased with herself.

I'm loving seeing the few that lay sooner than you think.. I hav three girls who are around 21 weeks now (a BO, Red Star and a RIR), and I just can't wait! I think my BO will be first since her face is reddest. No squatting yet, though. :)
Too funny, but this thread was my lucky charm I guess. You'll notice above that I said my Buff Orp should lay in about a month. Well, WRONG, my Buff Orp (Amelia Pond) laid her first egg TODAY!!!!!

Medium size, and a good shell.

This is Amelia Pond looking all pleased with herself.

Amelia Pond, I love that! Do you happen to have a roo named Rory?
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I just realized today, I misquoted my guys' age. They are more like 17 weeks.. So bummer.. On the bright side, I can be (very) cautiously optimistic that maybe I can get an egg on my birthday! (June 20) ;) :D
My 3 Buffs started at all different times. 20, 28 and 30 weeks. While there is an average based on breed and chickens overall but is decided by the chicken herself based on genetics and hormones
i got my 12 golden comets april 27 they were 16 to18 wks old i have been getting 4 eggs since they were 20 wks old and gradually building i got ten eggs yesterday from pullets
When I opened my coop this morning, my roo came up behind my BO and hitched a ride- she squawked in protest but let him do it without any other problem other than verbal lol. Is this a sign that maybe she's closer than I thought to laying? Or a coincidence?
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