Buffs are 18 weeks old, no eggs

I have three this age. My Black Star was running a tight race with the BO for first egg but we know the first was from BO. I really don't feel like the BS is a culprit quite yet.

No egg today. :( I got spoiled. LOL!!
Off subject: my RIR hen is actually *older* than both my BO and Black Star (by maybe a week or two), and is STILL showing NO signs whatsoEVER of maturing. She's still smallish in build (abdomen-wise), no comb whatsoever and no color coming in on the face. It is starting to make me wonder... Weird?
good deal as for as comb and wattles some of my younger girls are still not showing alot of red but still getting eggs from all, but when they first started had occasion for some to take a break for a daywhich i attributed to egg developement.i had one of my older girls which had started to lay when the other cackling started..im having my biggest thing to do is to identify the specific cackle to which pullet cause at this i have 4-5 laying at same time.with the big girls [before i got my pullets] i could tell the time of day and nest box a paticular hen would lay in.since started back to work it is hard to do because of rotating hours and days.well continued success with your girls.

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