Bugs. D:


8 Years
Jan 2, 2012
I have an issue. My hen has been broody for the past several weeks and has gathered five eggs under her. I have to give her baths often because she has a malformed vent so she is quite clean.... Anywho my mother just called me out to the coop to find thousands of little bugs all over the eggs. We had just cleaned the coop, should we go all out and scrub it down? Any help please? If you need to see what im talking about, say the word and I'll post picutres. Were going to a feed store soon, so we could buy some stuff there for the issue.
EDIT: I Know its not silverfish... there too small. :3
EDIT 2: Its mites! Eekkk! What do I do? I just looked through my buff orpgintion hen Cheese, who is broody, feathers and I saw mites crawling all over her. My mum bought demtious eath, any help for my beloved hen would be appreciated.
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Well, to kill mites you use 5% sevin garden dust that you can find in the garden section at TSC or Walmart. You cut the end of one of the legs of a pair of pantyhose off, put the dust in, and use it like a powder puff to apply to all the birds, especially near the vent and under the wings. Then you clean the whole coop and run out, burn the bedding, and dust the coop and run good with the sevin. Do every surface of the coop and run. Then put in fresh bedding, perhaps mixed with sevin if you want to be thorough. Do it all again in a week when the eggs that were laid by the mites hatch. I'm not sure if the sevin will hurt the eggs, but the broody hen will have sevin on her so all I can say is you can put the eggs back under her and see what happens. You might get chicks and you might not. Someone else might know if this will harm the eggs. Diatomaceous Earth won't kill mites, you need to use Sevin.

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