Build a better roost


Mar 16, 2018
I need to rebuild my chicken coop roost. Does anyone have a good design /plans they would be willing to share? Thanks!
What is your current design?
The main thing is that roosts need to be wide enough they can cover their toes in winter if you're in a cold climate. 2-4" wide is good. Then it is your choice whether to have them at the same height or staggered. If staggered, you don't want them close enough the chickens below can pick at the vents of the ones above.
What is your current design?
The main thing is that roosts need to be wide enough they can cover their toes in winter if you're in a cold climate. 2-4" wide is good. Then it is your choice whether to have them at the same height or staggered. If staggered, you don't want them close enough the chickens below can pick at the vents of the ones above.

Hi! Currently I have the “lean too -ladder style”. I just realized it is too high and the rails probably too small and round rather than flat. Can’t decide which is better, the style I have or a step ladder style where perches go down both sides. I currently have 10 hens but have 20 chicks coming in April that will be joining the older hens eventually. Re-reading your reply, I didn’t know about the vent pecking issue. Can you suggest the style you prefer?
We used to use a ladder style but the roosts were each about 10-12' long and the ladder effect was much more gradual with only about 8" between the height of one roost over the other and separated laterally enough that they couldn't reach each other.
There were 2 sets of those roosts with 100 birds in the building.
Currently, most buildings only have single roost running the length of the building.
If I have too many birds to fit on the roost, I run another roost perpendicular to the other at the same elevation.
I use a poop board, with 1/2" of Sweet PDZ. The ladder in front was their temporary roost, now I have it there for them to get up and down.

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I use a poop board, with 1/2" of Sweet PDZ. The ladder in front was their temporary roost, now I have it there for them to get up and down.

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This looks really nice! They all seem very content. My chickens use the ladder to go up but seem to always fly down. I am worried they are going to hurt their feet or legs. Their current roost goes up about 5 1/2 feet from the ground. I have removed the top two rungs so they can’t go as high and let me tell you, those girls have given me the stink eye ever since. They stand there looking for their top roosts and fussing... I don’t speak chicken but I can tell they are not saying nice things.
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I use saplings or tree limbs, 2" to 4" diameter, and find it works well. Some of my birds roost up in the rafters, which are 4" fence posts, or 2"x8" boards.
That’s what I have now except the diameter is probably too small. Do yours use the ladder to come down or just plummet to the ground like mine were doing?

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