Build new brooders


6 Years
Apr 10, 2013
Help this is what I want to build, Brooders. One about the size to hold up to 50 chicks for approx 1-2 weeks. With a heater. no lights and someway to control the heat. Where do I buy all these things from. heaters and thermomstats, as well as information on the size and dimensions that I need to build them in. And then take the same 50 chicks out of this brooder to another brooder to be built that should last from 2 to 6 weeks old.. Need dimensions and all accessories for this one too.. Please somebody tell me where I can aquire this information from and how to purchase what I need. Requesting HELP in WV. Carbide
I would seriously look at the Ohio brooder and size it for 50+ chicks.
You can just elevate it as the chicks grow and there's no need to build more than one.
Use ceramic heat emitters in place of the heat lamps they use.

I don't use a thermostat with it but it would cut energy if it was warm outside to have one. ACCESSORIES/PLUG IN INLINE THERMOSTATS.aspx

Something like this would work too. Just keep it far enough from the brooder.
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