Building a "compound" that doesn't look like the Clampetts' car.


12 Years
Nov 16, 2007
Southern Indiana
Just what it says.. I need to try to come up with an idea for a multiple coop compound that doesn't look like something that needs to hold tires at the dump
I have little to no building skills, but I have access to people who do
I'd like to have 4 or 5 separate areas for trios, with acceptably sized runs coming off of them. Nothing big or extravagant, just secure and functional and not ugly
Can ya'll show me what you have? I need pictures
Does it have to be separate coops, or what about a single shed subdivided inside and with four or five (or whatever you want) runs coming off it? That could look as nice as any coop; especially if you were to build the run as if it were just going to be a single (nice, strong, predatorproof) run and then use 1/2" chickenwire to subdivide it for each breed? The chickenwire being less visible.

If you really want to make separate coops, I'd say just make them as NICE as you can (either clean and slick and attractive, or cuted up, for instance as if they were a bunch of kids' playhouses, depending on your tastes).

Good luck, have fun,


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