building a coop


6 Years
Apr 15, 2013
Thaxton VA
Hello I would like some advise on the chicken coop I am about to start. I plan on making it a 4'x8'x8' and it will be for 6- 8 chickens & the run will be a 25'x 25' square use 4x4 post and chain link fence. I would also like to know how far down i should dig around the outside or the run to prevent the gray foxes from digging under it. I plan on using chicken wire in the trench and burying it.
Instead of burying the wire, I suggest you use an apron. Take a strip of wire, maybe 18” to 24” wide and lay it horizontal around your coop and run. Attach it to the bottom of the run and coop. Overlap it at the corners. You don’t have to bury it, just weigh it down with something until the grass grows through it, but a lot of people remove about 2” of sod and put that back on top to keep it down. That helps protect from lawn mowers and weed eaters too.

The idea is that a predator goes up to the fence, starts digging, hits the wire, and does not know to back up.

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