Building a pond - step by step - mostly complete post71

Your pictures of the duck heads peeking above the edge of the pond are a crack-up!
can you post pictures of the filter and how that works, for anyone that has a regular pond with fish(bream and catfish) do the ducks mess up the water and the quality of the fish?
It leaks.
I think we figured out where - the plumbing part I didn't think would be so 'tight' fitting as it was supposed to be.
Not positive yet, but that's what it seems like it is.
So have to figure out where it is and then figure out how to fix it as that piece IS part of the drain and the only way to remove/replace it is by taking it out, which means a bigger hole in the liner so a new drain will be hard to find to fit that.
So hopefully we figure out a different way to fix it if that is indeed where it is leaking from.

On the bright side, it isn't holding anything up - pump and liner for the filter have to arrive yet LOL
Pulled the sides tight, stapled them in then made the corners as neat as possible. Trimmed the excess liner and put the top boards on the pond portion.
So the pond portion is done. Filter box is next. Pump arrived on Saturday. Liner will hopefully show up today or tomorrow, so we can get started on the filter box and getting that put together and then the steps and the ducks will be good to go!

It looks fantastic!!! But have they had a swim yet now the water is in?? You will have to post some pics of the ducks enjoying all your hard work once the filter is done with .
top rail installed and steps sitting next to it (they have since been pulled away so no live ducks can take a dip yet

Jet getting in the way as I was taking pics of the steps - the dogs see it is a very nice large water dish

Duck getting ready for a swim

Jet making sure the duck doesn't drown swimming on its side like that


Dh picked up tubing last night for the pump and maybe today the filter box liner will show up. If not, we can still get the box ready and get the rebar into it tonight.
Still hoping for this weekend to be done and have real ducks swimming. The little buggers better like it!

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