Building a pond - step by step - mostly complete post71

I love it! Mine is similar but much smaller. I used cedar fencing and 2x4's and lined it with pond liner. I need one of those filter box thingies. Think I'll make it this weekend.

That is a very nice pond . I am gonna have to build me another one here is my old one You can just barely see my ducks.


Here It is before I changed the waterfall.


Bad thing about these ponds is they are never big enough
How beautiful!! I want ducks now...

Also for help w/ poop & algae, the Microbe Lift TAC helps break down waste
PL goes to war w/ algae, the MC+ changes the PH (same as barley straw.) I'd go with TAC...but its safe for humans, pets and wildlife.
You are doing a great job! I don't have ducks but do have a pond I have been working on for a year! The original went in last year and I have been "tweaking" things ever since!! It is fun and no more having to fill bowls of water outside for the pooches!! Happy ponding!
Beautiful set up. I love the pics of the ducks testing the waters. I just have a dinky pond I dug out in the back yard.Being small it heats up in the summer sun. I wish they sold white liners,but I suppose there is a reason there is only back.
anybody know of good pond plants that ducks won't eat? I want some water hyacinth for the filter, but will need to rotate them into the pond for sun, but not sure if I can get them here as they are a wee bit prolific and I thought I'd read they are a nono here. Hopefully not.
They've been leaving the day lilies alone, until yesterday when they realized they could reach the one I had next to the pond, so Cad snacked on the flower and then we moved it back, but Ally could still reach the leaves and was tearing those off. Wonder if they will attack the ones they've been leaving alone now.

OzawkieBantams - nice pond. I had no desire to dig in our rock hard clay or try to get DH to do it with the tractor. And we figured raised might deter the dogs from hopping in. So far they've just used it as a large drinking bowl and no attempts to hop in. yet.
Its a special formulated bacteria that helps break down waste
I sell tons for aquariums, but it is.made for ponds. As said, said, safe to everyone but duck poopie!

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